Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gas ‘N’ Mach GoGoGo with Speed Racer

i found this interesting...

In Japan, the 60s manga and anime series known here as Speed Racer is so popular that it’s even spawned a chain of service stations and used car lots. Everything is Speed Racer themed, including the in-store service computer menus.

Except it’s not really Speed Racer per se; the proper Japanese title is Mach GoGoGo, a pun on the word usually following “ready” and “set” and the number 5, which is pronounced “go” in Japanese. That’s why Speed’s car is called the Mach 5. Even Speed’s Japanese name is Goh Mifune.

Follow the jump to see more pics of the Mach 5 service stations.

Here’s the service center computer menu

The waiting area and counter.

And the obligatory plastic statue.

We’re curious what the American equivalent would be. Turbo Teen Garage?

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